184 players have been signed up for this competition as of 5:19 PM Monday 30th December
Penny Allan (34.1) |
David Allen (Budock Vean Golf Club) |
Louis Andrew (10.2) |
Tricia Andrew (38.1) |
Emmit Andrews (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Andrew Arthur (19.9) |
David Ash (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Charlie Averiss (Budock Vean Golf Club) |
John Bailey (16.5) |
Anthony Barbagallo (16.9) |
Justin Barnard (-0.4) |
Phil Baron (Newquay Golf Club) |
Trevor Bean (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Gary Bennett (Looe Golf Club) |
Malcolm Bennetts (16.4) |
Ethan Best (Perranporth Golf Club) |
Stephen Blyth (West Cornwall Golf Club) |
Mark Bolitho (19.9) |
Mark Bratt (7.0) |
Owen Britnell (7.4) |
Linda Brooks (27.8) |
George Brown (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Neil Butler (20.5) |
Rodney Butler (Budock Vean Golf Club) |
Lee Caddy (17.7) |
David Canty (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Ian Canty (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Jo Carter (16.3) |
Daniel Chambers (12.1) |
Lee Chambers (2.8) |
Darren Chapman (11.2) |
Ian Chatfield (9.4) |
Martyn Churchill (6.7) |
Brian Cleobury (22.0) |
Paul Collins (6.2) |
Tyler Collins (34.0) |
Gary Cook (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Daniel Cooper (10.8) |
Malcolm Coulls (Falmouth Golf Club) |
Peter Cowls (Truro Golf Club) |
Brian Craig (Falmouth Golf Club) |
Donna Craig (Falmouth Golf Club) |
Stuart Cullimore (17.0) |
Anthony Curnow (8.2) |
Paul Dash (12.1) |
Nick Datson (17.0) |
Steve Dawe (7.0) |
Alan Denham (27.8) |
Collie Dudley (Newquay Golf Club) |
Neil DUDLEY (Newquay Golf Club) |
Gary Edge (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Graham Elliott (10.8) |
Steven Ellis (5.4) |
David Fairbrother (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Mimi Falconar (30.7) |
Simon Ford (7.3) |
Glyn Furnival (6.9) |
David Goldsworthy (10.2) |
Dean Goulding (21.3) |
Nigel Hambly (17.5) |
Caroline Hardman (24.2) |
Roland Hardman (17.1) |
Christopher Hart (10.0) |
Matthew Hart (14.2) |
Mick Hartshorne (18.9) |
Frazer Hawkey (20.8) |
Richard Hill (Budock Vean Golf Club) |
Levi Hilling (14.2) |
Alexander Hinds (-0.4) |
Charlie Holdsworth (4.3) |
David Holland (Falmouth Golf Club) |
Jane Hollis (21.6) |
Mark Hollis (17.5) |
Ryan Hooper (19.1) |
Claire Hosking (Cape Cornwall Club) |
Robert Hosking (17.8) |
James House (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
David Hughes (14.6) |
Andrew Hussey (West Cornwall Golf Club) |
Wilf Hutchinson (Perranporth Golf Club) |
Keith Huxtable (16.2) |
Simon Inwards (11.9) |
Peter Ireland (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Dan Isaacs (5.1) |
Simon Isaacs (10.9) |
Michael Jacka (13.3) |
Coleen Jackson (Hayling Golf Club) |
Ben James (10.2) |
Richard Keith (China Fleet Country Club) |
D kennedy (Budock Vean Golf Club) |
Darren Kinsman (13.3) |
Frederick Kirkland (6.7) |
Philip Lawrence (9.2) |
Andrew Lee (Cape Cornwall Club) |
Ryan Lewis (4.8) |
Robert Macgregor (-1.1) |
Michael MEARES (Porthpean Golf Club) |
Jean Meigh (12.1) |
Stuart Meigh (9.6) |
Roger Mildren (Budock Vean Golf Club) |
G mills (Budock Vean Golf Club) |
Adam Mitchell (36.0) |
David Moore (Cape Cornwall Club) |
Maggie Mortimer (23.1) |
Sandy Mortimer (10.6) |
Geoffrey Naylor (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Grant Nicholls (Falmouth Golf Club) |
Guy Norris (Trevose Golf & Country Club) |
Adam Notman (2.2) |
Simon O'Mahony (3.1) |
Peter Oliver (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Joe Parma (15.7) |
Sue Pascoe (11.2) |
Fiona Paterson (18.2) |
Taron Peacock (9.6) |
Ian Pearce (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Carol Peck (25.2) |
Michael Penney (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Mark Perry (18.6) |
Barry Preece (20.5) |
Mark Prouse (9.9) |
Bryan Prowse (17.7) |
MR Karl B Rance (Porthpean Golf Club) |
Heather Reed (19.6) |
Stephen Retallick (9.4) |
Dave Richards (18.8) |
Dean Richards (11.7) |
Ian Richards (8.5) |
Rhys Richards (14.3) |
Shane Richards (13.5) |
Harry Riches (23.6) |
Julian Ridge (10.2) |
Philip Robbins (14.6) |
Jason Roberts (13.2) |
Bradley Rogers (10.7) |
Ruth Rogers (22.1) |
David Rosnovanu (23.1) |
Chris Rovery (8.9) |
Edward Rowe (West Cornwall Golf Club) |
Jason Rowe (16.3) |
Jane Rowse (28.6) |
Kate Ruhrmund (18.1) |
Tom Ruhrmund (West Cornwall Golf Club) |
Max Sampson (Carlyon Bay Golf Club) |
Lindsay Sawdon (Cape Cornwall Club) |
Marco Sciuto (4.6) |
Magnus Scott (Perranporth Golf Club) |
Kevin Selby (25.6) |
Dee Shorney (13.4) |
Andrew Shufflebotham (28.1) |
Jenny Simms (11.8) |
Jason Smyth (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
David Spencer (17.5) |
Deborah Sprague (36.2) |
Philip Staton (17.7) |
Robert Stephens (6.8) |
Benjamin Stevens (Cape Cornwall Club) |
Trevor Stevens (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Anne Stone (37.8) |
Roz Sweeney (22.6) |
Kevin Thomas (25.0) |
Archie Thornhill (11.8) |
George Thornhill (23.3) |
Paul (L) Thornton (West Cornwall Golf Club) |
Paul Tovey (Perranporth Golf Club) |
David Townsend (Budock Vean Golf Club) |
Jamie Tresidder (14.2) |
Daniel Trestrail (19.0) |
Michael Trevelyan (18.9) |
Martin Trewhella (5.7) |
Kevin Tullett (Whitsand Bay Golf Club) |
Arron Wallace (3.9) |
Steven Watkinson (7.6) |
Graeme Webster (8.5) |
Martin Weeks (11.9) |
Bernard Williams (29.5) |
Samuel Williams (6.7) |
Daniel Wills (7.7) |
Dean Wills (13.4) |
Lewis Wills (20.4) |
Stephen Wiseman (6.5) |
Mason Wolstencroft (10.5) |
Martyn Wooltorton (Perranporth Golf Club) |
Mandy Wright (Perranporth Golf Club) |
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